How Can I Generate An Inventory Level Report on VaultN?
Get an overview of your available products on VaultN.
Knowing what's in stock is essential for your distribution business. If you need reports on your product inventory, this can be done easy and convenient.

- Go to "My Vault" in your VaultN dashboard.
- Click the "Inventory Level Report" button.
- Choose to filter your report by SKU provider (e.g., Steam) or region.
- If no filter is applied, the report will include all products in your vault.
- The report is generated as a CSV file.
How can I download the report?
- Once the report is ready, a download message will appear at the top of the screen.
- Alternatively, you can find and download it later in the "Reports" section under Finance (use the filter for "Inventory Level Reports").
What information is included in the report?
The Inventory Level Report (CSV) contains the following data fields:
- Product ID
- Title
- Key Provider (e.g., Steam)
- Region Name
- Units (Available Quantity)
- Stockpool Name (if applicable)
- Stockpool Receiver (if applicable)
For any questions or to report issues, please contact [email protected].
Updated 27 days ago