Creating A Product

Creating a product on VaultN is straightforward. Start by inputting just the product name and type - here’s the process:

  1. Navigate to ‘My Vault’ > ‘Products’.
  2. Click the 'Add Products' Button on the top left.
  3. Fill in the first details as
    1. Name: The Title of your game or product.
    2. Select the publisher from a dropdown
    3. (optional) If your product is part of a franchise, please select an appropriate one here.
    4. Select an edition of your game. In most cases, these are usually standard or deluxe. As these are usually delivered with different Keys or SKUs, you would need to create a product for each.
    5. Select a type, this would usually be 'game', 'DLC' or 'In-Game Item' for most users.
    6. Save
  4. In your 'Created Products' overview, you will notice that the game you created is inactive and shown as embargoed. Click the game in your product list, set the status to 'active' (in case you want it to be available immediately) and add a packshot. For packshots, we recommend using the Steam Library Asset Dimension of 600×900 pixels
  5. Don't forget to set the connected status at the buttom of that page to "Yes".

Please note: Adding product information and insertion of Keys or Codes follow in separate steps.

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For any questions or to report issues, please contact [email protected].